About Us
All branches of our company have been brought under one umbrella, bearing the single original name. Therefore, Ethera Loudspeaker Systems Limited now represents all of our products and services.
Ethera’s Mission Statement continues to be:
To retain and extend our proven advantage in offering to the audio world the most musical, natural-sounding loudspeakers available.
Ever since Leo Lewis registered Ethera Loudspeaker Systems as a sole proprietorship in Ontario in 1990 to design, develop and market high-performance loudspeakers, we have remained committed to precise, in-house matching of quality parts, meticulous manufacturing practices, and rigorous testing to achieve ultra-low distortion and sonic purity in all of our loudspeakers. The legendary, award winning, and lovingly handcrafted Ethera Vitae is the embodiment of this philosophy.
As well, we are pleased to report that the performance targets for the Seraph model have been attained, and that the results are downright impressive (See Updated Prelimimary Data under ‘Seraph‘).
Questions concerning acquisition and partnership are referred to Canada Export Center (CEC) in Vancouver, British Columbia.